This Post me a little encouragement and give the same time distraction. Show what I have on my family, for whom I actually take responsibility and who needs me and it also shows every day.
It's about Chicco and Shila. For now, we have an incredible number of nicknames, mostly I call him "Manolo" or "Chiccito" or "Chiccolonius. Babbo calls him "Ue, Mustafa".
Shila we have initially, "Frisunchula referred. Auf einmal meinte ich "Frau Struppattelli" (nenne sie aber Schruppattelli, klingt irgendwie lustiger). Muddi war sofort begeistert. Naja, seht euch die Bilder an, scheint sie euch nicht ein klein wenig "struppattelli"?
Ihr Welpenfell wechselt langsam die Farbe. Es erscheint ein hellbraun mit tollen, glänzenden Fäden. Wird sicher eine attraktive Lady! Solange sie das so angoraschafähnliches Fell behält, bin ich dabei!
Heue war die ganze Familie am See entlang spazieren. Shila ist zum ersten Mal problemlos an der Leine gelaufen, hat sie echt gut gemacht! Then she could also go a little bit free. When we went to the bank, she trudged inside and made her "liquid market" in the same train ... They probably had at one time * laughs lightly * cold! Just arrived home, she jumped with Zio on the lawn at the bet until her tongue hanging out just so out of Mundhöle. A great girl, our Shila. A great king, our Chicco. 'm Glad we have such great pets!
Here a sleepy picture of our Shila:
The proof that our two hearts love very much:
A sleeping Shila (who really stretched all fours up in the air, laughing!):
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