Sunday, February 6, 2011

Period Cycle Calculator

borderline, the self-help book written

Note: I have read this book in the time frame of summer 2008 to autumn 2010, and a number of circumstances again and again reading breaks inserted. It is my experience over time through individual and group therapy more likely to be read as well. Please, no inhibitions with questions, comments, suggestions, tips or other feedback -> I help you and answer constructive comments. My own experiences and opinions on the sections from the book are each shown in italics. Any addenda to my "current state" will know the different colors. Paper Source: Borderline, self-help book (Andreas Knuf, Chris Tilly).

My Psychiatric Center is the following: Clienia Schlössli AG in Uster ( ).

Chapter 1: What is the Behavior Borderline --- ---
-> self-destructive behavior (Criterion 4)

Here no suicidal or self-injurious acts be considered included in criterion 5th

To better explain it to myself, I've "voted down their own making and humiliation" for this chapter. Otherwise I can not describe it ... ...

self-destructive behavior begins long before overt self-harm and suicidal behavior in. What often happens out of a current mood, can have far reaching effects. Lose money or lead to ill-considered purchases of debt. Also may have consequences for the entire life planning have. Many of those concerned about practices through which they place themselves in a state that is very negative for them. A concerned describes how she sits in car, "dark music" stops and goes through the lonely dark places, even though she knows that she will feel more alone and then threatens to become suicidal. Another describes how time and again establishes contacts with people who really hurt her. Some borderline concerned take drugs or try to numb their feelings with alcohol, other "fight" several times a day with binge eating (eating and vomiting) or starvation, some take tons of laxatives.

As I read these lines, I will always remember this (can not stress it enough) that I can not do anything for my sometimes strange behavior. At that moment it happened "automatically". I am aware that I have borderline, but I would not always need the same lyre as an excuse, and I must repeat again and again. Maybe things will get better with the self-knowledge, but there are people who have to spend a life. Well then, cheers!

other way I'm always scared while reading that I still "normal" bin und mir dieses Buch einfach viele Gemeinsamkeiten auflistet, die ich immer mehr als Bestätigung für mein in Betracht gezogenes Borderline zeigt. Aber irgendwie glaube ich es im gleichen Atemzug doch wieder nicht.

Ich kenne das Symptom mit den vielen Bestellungen von Versandhäusern. Es ist eine regelrechte Sucht von mir. Nach der Bestellung wird mir bewusst, was ich getan habe. Jedoch während der Bestellungen kann man nicht mit mir reden, da ist mein Schalter auf „OFF“ umgelegt. Das gleiche mit den Essanfällen. Oft gehe ich Frustkaufen (egal ob Shopping oder Lebensmittel). In letzter Zeit leider wieder öfters, during the holidays it was, fortunately limited.

Addendum (2011): Many know her behavior from my blog entries. Many of these could I recently "regenerate", especially in terms of buying and eating behavior was the year 2009 / 2010 a great success.

all get through these practices to the brink of physical and mental strength.

I had better not describe. It is hard, that it always and pays a check every threat, no matter how far you have come. This I have to admit to myself again and again. Each new day is a new battle. Sometimes it is better, in part, you have no strength to fight at all and feel like (and yet it does so on some days).

CRITERION 4: impulsiveness IN MIND ESENS TWO POTENTIALLY SEBLSTSCHÄDIGENDEN AREAS SUCH AS MONEY SPENDING, sexuality, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating.

JA: Most true for me too, touches on the theme depends. Certainly the Gedlausgeben and binge eating.

NO: All other reasons. If I (for now) is not noticed.

Conclusion: Even this criterion is "satisfied".


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