... professional future. These are my big issues right now,
my fears and just my thoughts that went through my Kopf schwirren.
my fears and just my thoughts that went through my Kopf schwirren.
Und seit langem habe ich einfach auf gar nichts mehr Lust. Nicht einmal auf meinen Geburtstag. Naja, heute hatte ich ein kleines Erfolgserlebnis, aber dies gehört zu meinem Thema, dass ich erst hier veröffentliche, wenn ich mein Ziel erreicht habe.
Am Dienstag war ich ja meine Ladies besuchen. Meine Chefin wollte sofort wissen, wie es mir geht. Ich meinte ehrlich zu ihr, dass es einfach nicht gut aussehen würde im Moment. Sie war entsetzt, als ich zu ihr meinte, dass ich wahrscheinlich in ein Lager oder in eine Fabrik arbeiten gehen müsse. Sie meinte: "Das kann doch nicht sein! Du mit deinem tollen Zeugnis, deiner Ausbildung und your attitude to work! You do it but well here, "
The wife of an employee (who works at the same time my mother), had recently also had a long talk with Muddi. The staff has proposed me the ladies, voraufhin I received an interview. The .. would this woman employee said to my mother that like me and all would be closed to the heart that I would make my job great and was just totally sympathetic My Muttter then said simply: "So great and nice those words are what bring please her "And I give her as quite what bring me the kind words of my boss, my staff and other employees of the business?
The same day, then appeared also the assistant, for which I stand in. And their facial expressions I saw she was not really pleased to see me. She is probably afraid that I still stay longer or make your point in dispute will (well, I want to stay longer!). But from the entrance, she said, "You've got vacation?" Says à la: Why are you doing up around here? Followed by: "But next week is your last, right?". Most of all I would have said: "Oh, do not worry, from March, I'm away from the window and you may be sitting on your stool.".
then setzte sie sich zu meiner Chefin, um die Arbeit zu repetieren und die Neuigkeiten und neuen Abläufe genauer anzuschauen. Naja, wahrscheinlich wollten sie Rücksicht auf mich nehmen und haben darum in meiner Ferienwoche abgemacht. Eigentlich nett gemeint, aber nun ja, was solls. Kann nichts daran ändern. Und die Fabriken wollen mich auch nicht. Warum bemühe ich mich überhaupt noch?
Mein Geburtstag wird ein Desaster. Ich habe mir einfach vorgenommen, mir alles zu kaufen, was mir gefällt. Vielleicht erkennt dann irgendjemand meinen Hilferuf. Aber die anständige Zambrottagirlie reisst sich schon zusammen *sarkastischlach*! Aber dies wird ein anderer Eintrag. Vielleicht in zwei Tagen oder so.
On Tuesday itself, I was still with my sister. However much it may hurt her direct manner, much as I admire their style and am always surprised by their statements (positive). She has not made me ready, because I do not find a job. You just said that I could not help it and they would see how I would have now toiled for (let's be honest, not everyone would have started this job at such short notice and waives his holidays!), Even though I was just so good to sitting around at home could have. The fact that I am at home a lot about writing and my fingers sore and will ship to job application. They even offered me to take some of my costs, my money should not be sufficient to me. And this helps a bit, because actually I can really anything for my current situation.
But tell me this is not, in my case does not come to this. I see myself as the guilty, and as the greatest burden of my family.
is ready for today. Comes a documentary about a depressed man who seeks to exit Help. Takes me wonder how the managed this ... Whether for good or bad, I leave you to decide her own support. Let your imagination all the borders open.
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