Sunday, February 6, 2011

Free Member Logins For Sean Cody

The first step is done: I wrote to several companies and now hope to some place. It is probably hard and, initially, be funny, because I still a little "higher" Training have made. A KV and then land it in the camp, great! Do not get me wrong, I accept every worker and every worker in Switzerland, it is simply that I get a job despite training. You understand sure what I mean.

I hope no more. This has died a long time. There is horror and every day it feels like I would have a nervous breakdown in more detail.

I feel so miserable and simply worthless. Why do you need me here in the world? How much testing will man mir noch aufbürden, die ich eh nicht schaffen kann?! Warum kann man nicht endlich eine andere Person anpieksen? Mich in Ruhe lassen?

Immer wieder dieses WARUM?!

Gestern habe ich "Wie ein einziger Tag" geguckt, ist einer meiner Lieblingsfilme. Und auch dieses Mal habe ich wieder Rotz und Wasser geheult.

Nun spiele ich noch ein klein wenig Sims (höre dabei immer Jovanotti) und heule mich später dann wieder in den Schlaf.

I'm just on the verge to pack my things and easy to run away. Accommodation units? No idea. I need to finally go visit Grossdäddi. Maybe next week when I have vacation.


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