FEBRUAR Stöckchen
Gerade bei Frau Hyggelig entdeckt und aufgeschnappt. Da von meiner Seite in der kommenden Woche Stille herrschen wird - bin auf Sprachenschulung in UK und werde mit Sicherheit nur mal in den Blog reinschauen können, wenn überhaupt - werde ich das doch mal eben machen. Gefällt mir ;-)
F wie Freude auf die kommende Zeit, da wir in diesem Jahr viel schönes and I have planned it all
definitely enjoy with my GG, because we'll both be very grateful :-)
E such as English, I will hear next week only, 5 days, 24 hours - I am excited and even though I
immo have a little jitters, but I'm looking forward it.
B how soon will I start my new job, even a new challenge but as in my dream job
R how calm I could use in the near future and again. Was quite a bit in the last half
year and to cope with a lot remains to be done - but for the rest of the holiday is so close to the door.
U such as holidays, we will have soon, 10-day cruise, ui, ui, I'm on it :-)
A like adventure that is today's flight in which I The first time I'll be alone and I'm always a little afraid of flying
R how quickly the time is to be and I'm back with my rabbit mart GG :-)
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