Jau, before not too long ago was the month of January, the longest month of the year felt. Usselich, cold-wet or wet and cold and the account (= money) barely recovered from Christmas. But the march was over quickly. Maybe it's the monotonous snow-white or the fact that wir kaum Highlights setzen konnten? Neeee, Highlight war ein durchgeheiztes, kaminfeuerstrahlendes und heimeliges Zuhause! Jede Gelegenheit nutzend, oekologisch sinnvoll zu heizen haben wir unsere CO²-Bilanz verbessert. Der Beweis sind die auf 25° Celsius eingestellten Heizkoerper, welche kalt blieben. D.h. wir haben kein boeses Erdgas verbraucht. OK, stattdessen hatten wir 27° alleine durch den Kamin. Aber der verbrannte Laubholz, was im Laufe seiner Erzeugung genau soviel CO² gebunden hat, wie WIR zu unserem Wohlgefallen wieder freiliessen.
Da der Januar ausser eben Geschriebenem nicht viel hergab, noch ein weiteres weltpolitisches Debakel neben der Klimakatastrohenvermeidung. Egypt, yes. I wanted to see the pyramids and why now covered North Africa, the dictator disposal urge. As if the deduction has been Kolonialmaechte this time is not enough, suddenly the world learns from wrong and is outraged. Who wants to oppose the masses and it feigns horror on all sides, so no one has known what was going on. Oh why pay emigrants come to up to 25,000 € to France? Uiii, surprise, also ruled about Djerba and the Pyramids unjust regime. Fun-tastic the reactions of the politicians: Hoerthoert! Pooh and Bah, long live the demographics! Ahhh-tie ... Why do I and we are concerned? Now, in early March did we visit them. The pyramids. A quick before the air disaster and 21.12.2012. * * Coups and hey presto it from below. Much as I admire the people who fight for peace, and want to make their home a little nicer, a request: Tear off the pyramids not before I have even seen!
because I can only connect. newsworthy for me personally not much. Just the usual suspects: snow, gray-cloudy weather but beautiful weekend and much fun for me still playing. I look forward to the time when you can relive more things out there. Then determined again with a photo collage. So entirely without a photo it will then not be true, what has accounted for our January shows :-) this photo:
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