Note: I have this book read in the time frame of summer 2008 to autumn 2010, and a number of circumstances again and again reading breaks inserted. It is my experience over time by individual and group therapy more likely to be read as well. Please, no inhibitions with questions, comments, suggestions, tips or other feedback -> I help you and answer constructive comments. My own experiences and opinions on the sections from the book are each shown in italics. Any addenda to my "current state" will know the different colors. Paper Source: Borderline, the self-help book (Andreas Knuf, Chris Tilly).
My Psychiatric Center is the following: Clienia Schlössli AG in Uster ( ).
Chapter 1: What is Borderline area --- Emotions ---
-> Emotions and interpersonal relationships (Criterion 2)
borderline sufferers often have trouble perceiving human behavior in overtones for many people around them either "good" or just "bad". To find an orientation in the inner feeling of chaos, many try to classify people around him in those that support them, and those who appear to be disposed to them "hostile." It is hard for them empathy, when people suddenly behave differently than usual, if a friend gets angry and scolds, perhaps because you forgot a joint appointment, for some people it is not possible to understand that this friend only the behavior but not the whole person criticized and they still continue to appreciate.
Okay, I'm not so "extreme" limit to which the people into good and evil. With me you did it just playful very quickly, a disappointment, I can therefore not hide fast and "forget". But the last sentence is: I prefer problems (by what ever caused) of my surroundings quickly to me and my personality. Then I believe that man has anything against myself, I would withdraw. It is just enough that I at the same time at the "passing" thing am. No idea why. Happens automatically, however. I can not help it, I immediately set upon me and my person. For example, if Babbo upset about the tax payment, I feel guilty and attacked because I fill the tax return year after year. But this is still totally absurd!
If the person concerned a person can become important, they focus their entire social energy on these people. This is how a woman her therapist as the most important people to believe and to live no longer without this therapeutic relationship. Another depicts concerned that increasing the depth of the relationship was soon no longer possible and it breaks off the contact disappointed and hurt.
Strongly to me. This person is with me Mon Amour, from the beginning. I put everything on it, everything. A miracle that she has not yet taken flight, as I with Geschenken überhäufe :-). Nee, ernsthaft: ich bin ihr wirklich dankbar, dass sie immer für mich da war und ist. Das hätte nicht jeder Mensch mitgemacht. Ich brauche sie einfach in meiner Nähe und ich überhäufe sie öfters mit kleinen Überraschungen. Aber meist bleibt das Gefühl bei mir, dass es doch nicht genügend ist. So kann es schon mal vorkommen, dass sie an Weihnachten ein paar Geschenke mehr erhält, als „nur“ zwei. Mon Amour ist mein Leben, kein anderer Mensch wird diesen Status bei mir erreichen. Grosi „liegt auch ganz weit vorne“. Dabei ist es nichts gegen die eigene Familie, aber ich kann nichts dafür. Sobald es um Mon Amour geht, vergesse ich alles um mich herum. I'm not aware of and would also not injured from the family. It happens automatically for me.
Addendum (2011): In the meantime, this feeling "slightly changed". Sure, Mon Amour is still a very important person for me, but I have learned in the meantime, many skills to deal with my diagnosis of Borderline. At first it was very difficult to feel for both of us, at once a "distance". At one time I needed them so intense, just as it did. Sure, I need their help and support still, but at the beginning of my "Therapy program" I had a sudden all my senses, thoughts, feelings and other things to focus on me. Was unusual and at first a difficult situation.
If perceived as a supportive and positive person once occupied not so, as it corresponds to the idealized image, it can lead to desperation and even lead to suicidal thoughts. To endure this situation can, many sufferers who previously have seen positive person massively and do not see any more good sites on it. The motto of the players can almost look like this: "Before I leave, I would rather haue itself off because I would not endure to be left. "
I take not from Mon Amour (she had not always easy with me, this is more aware than me, yet Today I have weird feelings of guilt and burden facing her), I simply fear of being abandoned. Usually I take then to escape to solitude in my room, maybe a day is not reported or do other actions that are very unusual for me. Will need is little things, like this example: From time to time there is in every man a lull in life, you simply do less to tell. But as soon as Mon Amour einmal ruhiger ist und ich das Gefühl habe, dass sie mir weniger erzählt als sonst, mache ich mir sofort Gedanken. In diesem Moment merke ich nicht, dass ich mich in etwas rein steigere. Es ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt einfach unlogisch, ich sehe es wie ein Misstrauen von ihr mir gegenüber. Am nächsten Tag merke ich selber, wie absurd dieser Gedanke war. Aber eben, wie schon mehrmals betont, dafür kann ich in diesem Moment nichts. Der Schalter wird einfach umgelegt.
Nachtrag (2011): Solche Momente gibt es auch jetzt noch. Vor allem, wenn ich in einer Krise stecke. Mir kommt es manchmal so vor, als würde sich dann kein Mensch interested in me and not immediately every lever to immediately be with me and can talk to me about it. As one would take it to the attention of wait and see what happens even to get used again "comes along." Sure, here I am pure increase in things and here I realize that I often long wait until I open myself (and then probably a lot of things have happened, so that the man opposite did not know what came first and feels too surprised, because I suddenly just talk, talk, talk ...). I do not know how to explain these circumstances. I think they really understand me only like-minded people.
acts as the flight for outsiders, for affected it is the only way to maintain control over the situation. Some people hold, therefore, away from any deeper relationships and have only a "loose" contacts. So you are quite lonely, even when they seem to have many social contacts.
I have little, but good friends. The relations are deepening more and more on all of my blog know, for example. Had I told anyone before. Otherwise sind es einfach Bekanntschaften. Mir ist es wichtiger, eine beste Freundin und eine Hand voll sehr guter Freunde zu haben, als viele Bekannte und kaum gute Freunde. Du musst dich doch mit jemandem austauschen können, der deine Vorgeschichte einigermassen kennt, weiss, was du bis jetzt alles durchgemacht hast. Ist meine „geliebte“ Einsamkeit also Flucht? Habe ich dafür eine Entschuldigung gefunden? Bin ich darum gerne und viel allein?
JA: Because I find myself in this description, I show I found "my" person who means everything to me and which I think all my energy ready.
NO: I do not flee when the going gets tough, at least not by friends just so I cannot and will draw a line under it.
Conclusion: This criterion also applies to me.
NO: I do not flee when the going gets tough, at least not by friends just so I cannot and will draw a line under it.
Conclusion: This criterion also applies to me.
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