Damn, it was incredibly awesome!!
I love musicals so sehr! :)ich kann es nur empfehlen!
Auch wenn der Bus voller alter Leute war ;D
The last album was the band " First days of spring " (who longs not it happen?) and was great. And now the successor "Last night on earth" and there is available as a foretaste of the album as a stream. Those who do not live on the island, it must unfortunately be content with 30 seconds of the songs, but even this increase my anticipation.
Im Jahr 2002 gründete der gebürtige Kalifornier Eric Elbogen die Band Say Hi to Your Mom in New York. Seitdem war er recht fleißig, ist “ Um, uh oh ” doch tatsächlich bereits sein siebtes Album. Mit dem fünften Album reduzierte er den Bandnamen auf Say Hi. Warum? Dazu gibt es neben anderen interessanten Fakten Angaben auf der Website des Künstlers :
1. Please do not ask about the name change, it's been more than four years.
2. Any messages or emails employing LOL-speak or lazy spellings will not be answered.
3. Please do not trust what you've read on Wikipedia, most of it is incorrect.
4. Referring to the band as "them" or "you guys" is incorrect, there is only me.
5. The exception to #4 is when referencing a public performance (rock show).
6. No requests and no suggestions.
7. Words like 'inspiration' do not apply here. 'Imagination' is far more interesting.
8. Enjoy, and please know that I appreciate you listening.
9. Please do not ask about the name change, it's been more than four years.
Eric Elbogen kombiniert wunderbar lässigen Indierock mit Lo-Fi. Darüber hinaus gehört vor allem seiner Stimme nicht nur wegen ihrer Ähnlichkeit zu Win Butler von Arcade Fire Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Stellt The Strange Death Of Liberal England die Britpop-Alternative zu Arcade Fire dar, so ist Say Hi eine Lo Fi-Variante.
Nicht nur wegen der Kombination “Solomusiker/Band” erinnert mich Say Hi an die Eels. Eric Elbogen erscheint etwas weniger verschroben als Mark Oliver Everett, aber musikalisch weisen beide in die gleiche Richtung. “Um, uh oh” ist keine Offenbarung aber ein ungemein gefälliges, entspanntes und empfehlenswertes Indierock-Album mit einigen Songs, die sich im Kopf einnisten.
Das sehenswerte Video for the song "Devils":
And although no official video but moving pictures, great song "Take ya 'dancin' '
There there is the whole album as a stream.
Not on the album, but on the B-side to the single "Devils" included a cover version of "Kiss off":
"Um, uh oh" sounds like:
Gute Nacht ;-)
The current album "Smart Flash" the band is at times very quiet . My jury is still out. Suitable for publication have the musicians gathered in a synagogue and put down a 90-minute concert, which is provided by NPR's "All Songs Considered" there and as a podcast available. Have fun!
to determine your location, you can access from time to time to music that has otherwise not on the radar. I take time together some attributes that came to me in researching the " Republic of hoarseness " to mind:
Oh, if we do not ministers, should so indicate the sources: Amazon , Music Venue and Plastic Bomb .
to satisfy the texts claim an intellectual, to others to decide. I encounter a few clever lines of text but also agitational silliness. Musically, the trio sounds a bit more mature. Since fairly polished post-punk meets indie rock in places and that has really perky and fresh. If the singers do not sound so hoarse and forced you do not stand out too much with the provocation would, my verdict was probably more enthusiastic. Fans of German-language music should lend the band but still plays an ear.
The band 206 is made in the region of Halle an der Saale, and after a slog through 70 clubs publish it now "Republic of hoarseness" her debut album. This was produced by Tobias Levin, who also attacked Kant, Tocotronic and Gisbert Knyphausen to under the arms.
The single "Hello Hell" it is there as a free download as a video and here:
206 on tour (some dates as support):
"Republic of hoarseness is:
No breaking news from Nebraska
Conor Oberstfrom Omaha, Nebraska has enriched the libraries of many people. Including the current album, he brought it with his band Bright Eyes already seven albums. It is alleged that at "The people's key" to the last work of the band. Besides, he was at Monsters Of Folk, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, Desaparecidos and some more active. His collaboration I did not even begin to list ... so fans should not be too concerned about the future outputs of the musician.
The intro to opening track spans a wide berth: progress, evolution, bible quotes, universe ... one might expect that this style Following is a great album, the music to the world formula. But for a really strong start followed by "Firewall" and "shell games" rather casual and relaxed, and above all ordinary songs. It seems that Conor Oberst is currently in with themselves and the world pure. The result is a "satisfactory" to "good" indie rock album, which is not glittering finale and pull hardly much attention, it would be the debut album from a young band from Nebraska. The history of rock music has probably Conor Oberst currently not much to add. Basically, I welcome the absence of extravagant Folk bonds. But perhaps would have "The people's key" created with a less rocking approach space for other strengths of the acclaimed musician.
His fans will find on the album worth a listen, and memorable songs and moments. Additionally, "The people's key" no "must-buy.
The video for "shell games":
"The people's key" sounds like:
The Radiohead's music is not really tangible, can be currently read in virtually every review of the album "The king of limbs".
But apparently, can still be Thom York's dance style to chart. Sun .
PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose ( De laatste show)
There found.
The Mexican drug war seemed an exciting subject, so I chose "The power of the dog" as a reading. The fact that the author of nearly six years of research work had been invested, and the presumption that the resulting novel had corresponding anchor points in reality points to read entertaining way to my taste. But als ich während der Lektüre eine Meldung las, dass 2010 ca. 15.000 Menschen im mexikanischen Drogenkrieg getötet wurden, bekam die Erzählung eine noch tiefere Bedeutung.
Don Winslow beschreibt über einen Zeitraum von fast 30 Jahren die Auswüchse des Drogenhandels anhand diverser Handlungsstränge. Den Rahmen bildet der Konflikt zwischen dem DEA-Agenten Art Keller und den Brüdern des Barrera Clans. Diese verdingen sich als “Drogenspediteure”. Doch nicht nur diese Tätigkeit lässt sie als “natürliche Feinde” zu Kellers Zielscheibe werden. Im Laufe des Konflikt findet Keller genug Gründe, eine private Vendetta zu veranstalten.
Dieser Rahmen macht die Geschichte for the reader largely tangible and understandable. The personal motivations in "The Power of the Dog" associated with larger chunks. Were there but in fact mentioned in the book "Operation Condor " (a joint effort of various South American countries and the United States to counter Marxist movements) and of course the "War on drugs . Thus, one learns alongside something about history. You never know, will be helpful in times the rate at which show such knowledge.
The plot of "The Power of the Dog" covers almost the entire drug supply chain. It's about contacts with the producers und um die Vernichtung der Anbaufelder, um den Schmuggel durch Mexiko in die USA und um die  New Yorker Mafia, die bei dem Geschäft auch verdienen möchte. Entsprechend viele Personen hat sich der Leser im Verlaufe der Handlung zu merken. So grausam einige der Morde sind, so willkommen ist manchmal das Ergebnis: Ein zu merkender Name fällt weg… Mit den teilweise langwierig angelegten Intrigen und Rachefeldzügen hat man immer noch genug Fäden, die in der Hand gehalten werden wollen. Definitionen von “gut” und “böse” werden im Verlauf der Handlung immer mal wieder auf die Probe gestellt. Die tatsächlichen Konstanten sind Art Keller und der Barrera-Klan. Trotz aller Brutalität bleibt genug Space for the description of these personalities.
Since last fall, the book also available in German translation. I want to suggest, however, the original version ... especially the cruel sequences you do not read in their native language.
Who likes thrillers with respect to actual criminal activity and does not shrink from brutality, can lay this over 500-page epic safely for a while next to his bed. In addition to reading entertainment (the term "fun read" I would not use in the context) brought "The power of the dog" to me, especially a realization: to end the drug war in Südamerika wird man die nächsten Jahrzehnte wohl kaum hoffen können.