husband dear,
I am writing this letter to you telling you now that I'm leaving for good. I was seven years you a good wife and I have never had anything like this. The last two weeks have been hell.
has now called me today your boss to tell me that you notice today - that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Last week, are you come home and have not even noticed that I was at the hairdresser and the manicurist, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new negligee. You are come home, have everything wrapped in two minutes down and gone to sleep immediately after you have the game you've viewed. You tell me no more, that you love me. You touch me no more, nothing you do. Either you're going strange or you do not love me more, however, I'm gone.
PS: If you should find me, let it stay better. Your BROTHER and I pull together to Bielefeld. Beautiful still life!
The answer:
love ex-wife,
nothing could sweeten my day similar to your letter. It is true that we are now married for seven years, although you really so far from being a good wife were. Here's looking at me so much sports on TV to hide your permanent Gemotze. Too bad that it does not work. I realized very well that you have all the hair can be cut last week, the first thing that came to mind was: "You look just like a guy!".
My mother raised me to say nothing better when you can not say anything flattering. When you "my" favorite food you cook, you must have confused me well with my brother? I eat pork that is for seven years more. I went to sleep, when you test wearing the negligee because the price tag still attached hung. I hoped it was a coincidence that my brother had just 50 € borrowed from me and the thing has cost 49.99.
Despite everything I've always connected still loved and thought that everything would turn out well. When I found out that I won 10 million in Lotto, I quit and bought us two tickets to Jamaica. But when I got home you were gone. Probably everything happens for a reason. I hope for you, now that you're living filled out your life you always wanted. My lawyer says that you are following the letter you have written, will see a penny from me. Look stop, where you stay.
PS: I do not know if you knew that's it, but my brother used to be a Carl Carla. I hope that you do not mind.
Signed, Your Ex
(pork and free range)
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