So ging er hin und kam nicht wieder, der Februar 2011. Eigentlich ein kurzer Monat, waere da nich martinchens Auslandsaufenthalt gewesen. Weg von mir, in Grossbritannien (York, um genau zu sein), hat sich mein Schatz eine Woche mit der englischen Sprache beschaeftigt. Und kehrte zurueck, und dann war alles wieder gut. WIR haben uns schrecklich gefehlt dieser Tage und waehrend martinchen erschoepft vom Lernen darniedersank, habe ich jeden Abend in der WoW-Welt Muedigkeit gesucht. Mein Garampf hat somit die Weihen der Archaeologie erhalten... Aber spaetestens jeden fruehen Morgen war dann wieder die grausame Gewissheit: Sie ist wech! Brrrrr, sowas willich abba nich mehr haben in der naechsten (und fernsten) Zeit!
Nu ist sie wieder da, und alles wieder gut. Der Monat zuende und in ein paar Tagen unser Urlaub! Was gab es sonst im Februar?
Das war wirklich nicht schön, so alleine ohne meinen Jörch. Es ist mir sehr schwer gefallen und obwohl es mir sehr, sehr gut dort gefallen hat, habe ich die Tage gezählt, wo ich wieder zu Hause bin. Vllt werden Jörch und ich aber mal zusammen dorthin fahren. Meine Gastfrau und meine Englischtrainerin haben beide gesagt, ich I should report at any time if I visit York again - which I found very nice and I will / do we also :-). My fatigue was automatically generated by the whole approach concentrating learning and the fact that all communication was in English. I'm like dead fell into bed at night ... What I missed way too funny, was a hair dryer. Which I was too heavy to lug around him ... I would have done it once. Oh well ;-).
Das war wirklich nicht schön, so alleine ohne meinen Jörch. Es ist mir sehr schwer gefallen und obwohl es mir sehr, sehr gut dort gefallen hat, habe ich die Tage gezählt, wo ich wieder zu Hause bin. Vllt werden Jörch und ich aber mal zusammen dorthin fahren. Meine Gastfrau und meine Englischtrainerin haben beide gesagt, ich I should report at any time if I visit York again - which I found very nice and I will / do we also :-). My fatigue was automatically generated by the whole approach concentrating learning and the fact that all communication was in English. I'm like dead fell into bed at night ... What I missed way too funny, was a hair dryer. Which I was too heavy to lug around him ... I would have done it once. Oh well ;-).
weather. there always iwi. But it was not worth mentioning, except for a few Krokandeln that cheated out of the frozen soil (flowers, I mean).
And the first snowdrops were seen. Since I pleased me forever, because then you know that spring is not far off. The winter has fortunately not in February as the months continue as previously announced it ..., it was I happy about it.
And the first snowdrops were seen. Since I pleased me forever, because then you know that spring is not far off. The winter has fortunately not in February as the months continue as previously announced it ..., it was I happy about it.
blog. Nuja, I confess to neglecting my Mugshot reprehensible. But I was not a German, I would immediately assign the blame not the technology! That worked with the Mobilfo upload not seen since the turn of the year. I noticed it only after two weeks and for the manual upload I found afterwards no desire and time. Otherwise it was a bit thinner on the blog, apart from the many styles. This is almost a ritual to photograph morning and then later on's blog. In Thursday '3 'and Freitagsfueller active, this time we know and love on the 12th of '12' overslept. Too bad. But do not change. The positive formulation: We had better to do gammeln (, chilling, etc. ;-).
Yes, that was really hard this month. My style (as I recall, last week I have to upload yet) I've mostly been inside until the weekend. It was just too much other stuff that had to do so. But we agree, it should be fun and not turn into stress. We have enough commitments, which can not be avoided ... not more ...
Yes, that was really hard this month. My style (as I recall, last week I have to upload yet) I've mostly been inside until the weekend. It was just too much other stuff that had to do so. But we agree, it should be fun and not turn into stress. We have enough commitments, which can not be avoided ... not more ...
WoW. It sounded to already, my alliances Garampf is successful and even built the epic 2Handwaffe. Gertina Annabol and on occasion will use the opportunity to migrate into the three-man guild of a friend and when I take my courage, I'll * gulp *. heal Gertina is nu For long fight for good 6k, look what WE do since so on. But PvP battlefield Tol Barad is also not bad.
Oh, wow. Also I play a lot and that too is something that started almost simultaneously with the blog and - you guessed it - combined with time. Now it is on me so that I am playing only Gertina. In Gertina and Annabol jörch and I are all alone and there is no guild, no raid planning, etc. who need me or us. This makes it very relaxing for me and I may (probably will not believe the many who know WoW) a week or two to live without WoW. Which does not mean I am not playing then and again ... But depending on what is the alternative, but I'm just old fashioned and prefer other things.
Oh, wow. Also I play a lot and that too is something that started almost simultaneously with the blog and - you guessed it - combined with time. Now it is on me so that I am playing only Gertina. In Gertina and Annabol jörch and I are all alone and there is no guild, no raid planning, etc. who need me or us. This makes it very relaxing for me and I may (probably will not believe the many who know WoW) a week or two to live without WoW. Which does not mean I am not playing then and again ... But depending on what is the alternative, but I'm just old fashioned and prefer other things.
job. yeah, finally something about the profession! No, just kidding. Only an important point, my rabbit mart can return in their dream job assistance. Therefore, the English-Plaquerei.
It's really my dream job. Many can not believe I understand so - but they have not * lol *. I enjoy and that's the main thing. But for the next monthly report then a little bit more. Since my new job at 01.03. has started, it would still be too early ;-).
It's really my dream job. Many can not believe I understand so - but they have not * lol *. I enjoy and that's the main thing. But for the next monthly report then a little bit more. Since my new job at 01.03. has started, it would still be too early ;-).
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