Anmerkung: ich habe dieses Buch im Zeitrahmen von Sommer 2008 bis Herbst 2010 gelesen und durch etliche Umstände immer wieder Lesepausen eingelegt. Man wird meine Erfahrungen im Laufe der Zeit durch die Einzel- und Gruppentherapie wahrscheinlich mehr als gut herauslesen können. Bitte keine Hemmungen bei Fragen, Anmerkungen, Anregungen, Tipps oder sonstigen Rückmeldungen --> ich helfe gerne weiter und beantworte konstruktive Kommentare. Meine eigenen Erfahrungen und Meinungen zu den Abschnitten aus dem Buch sind jeweils kursiv dargestellt. Eventuelle Nachträge to my "current state" will know the different colors. Paper Source: Borderline, the self-help book (Andreas Knuf, Chris Tilly).
My Psychiatric Center is the following: Clienia Schlössli AG in Uster ( ).
Chapter 1: What is Borderline area --- Emotions ---
-> mood swings (Criterion 6)
Viele Borderline-Betroffene kennen abrupte, extreme Gefühlsänderungen. Dies führt im Alltag oft zu Problemen. Betroffenen wird immer wieder unterstellt, ihr Erleben sei nicht „echt“, sondern nur gespielt. Es ist für Freunde oder Kollegen nur schwer vorstellbar, wie die Stimmung bei Borderline-Betroffenen innerhalb weniger Minuten völlig kippen kann. Vielen von ihnen wird beispielsweise vorgeworfen, sich kindisch zu benehmen. Sie sind es dann leid, sich ständig wegen ihrer rasanten Stimmungsumschwünge erklären zu müssen und oft ist es für sie auch vollkommen unmöglich, eine plausible Erklärung zu finden.
Hätte I can not better describe and explain. That's how I feel, just as it is with me.
Quick change of mood to do most adults rarely, a child wonders, however, hardly anyone. Same behavior from a child situations are not an adult for the area to understand. Even adults sometimes experience that the mood of exuberance in total seriousness or bitter anger to despair to propose. Borderline sufferers live through just such Change seemingly out of nowhere, and even several times a day, though not always outwardly visible.
can only repeat here that it applies to me. I usually let me say this eternal mood fluctuations, for example, in the main. The time I have also noticed myself that these come and go. I am a quick moment of sad, to subsequently return happily to mooch around. But unfortunately there are with me still times when I perceive the mood swings are not aware or not be able to attend.
Addendum (2011): There are now thanks to the individual and group therapy more opportunities for me to deal with it. Be it already only by a sense protocol or my feeling solution. I see myself and my body and my behavior always better. Sure, there are always weak moments, but this belongs to me and my diagnosis. Meanwhile, I am aware of this effort and I am happy to accept it as long as I realize that these strong mood swings are becoming the exception. Only I would just like to perceive emotions (joy, love, etc.), but this is a different issue, and long (one to avoid feeling, I know only too well!).
influence the reaction of the people, the mood of borderline affected to a much greater extent than other people, they provide the benchmark for the well-being and performance. The other people give without knowing it, the impetus for activity. This is because many believe borderline concerned with their own perceptions and not check them again in the reactions of the environment. People with borderline are highly susceptible to moods of those around them. Among the many moods of the people are also not attributable own moods. Why have just been happy and content with people sitting in the canteen and a half hours later at home, only falls into anxiety and depression is not just for outsiders, but on for Concerned themselves difficult to understand.
Exactly! I am very sensitive to the moods of my fellow man, I have noticed more often. The rest of this paragraph shall not comment more, I just would be a repetition. Because it is with me.
CRITERION 6: affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (INCLUDING HIGHLY EPISODES dysphoria, irritability or anxiety), BEING UPSET THAT USUALLY A FEW HOURS and only rarely more than a few days.
JA: Dass ich unter extremen Stimmungsschwankungen leide, ist nichts Neues für mich.
NEIN: ---.
Fazit: Ein weiteres Kriterium, dass auf ich zutrifft.
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