Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charriol Bracelets Price Philippines

Competent train driver

mirror :

The battle lines have hardened, an agreement is in the railway tariff dispute in sight. Before the next time threatened strike, an arbitrator ago. But who takes on GDL and train? The passenger association suggests Margot Kaessmann, the ex-EKD chairman stands for integrity.

Regardless of any integrity: Somehow, I would buy Mrs. Käßmann that lately more often times run is gone ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Buy From Dr Hauschka Germany

a charming jetset

P2 paints from the new product line:

530 Charming / 600 jet
A not to bright light blue;) / a nice "muted" Green

Covers well me 2 layers!
I like the new brush
of P2 can be, I think, apply better than before.

Black Glitter Bracelet


In Anna of mango blossom there is something to win very very nice!
Namely this:

-Michael Kors Clock in rosé
-New One leather strap with rosé fittings
-News Jamie Oliver "30 minutes Menu Cookbook
Chanel limited edition nail polish Khaki Vert
- the MbMJ pocket

And the number of participants is also huge!

Momantan are about 650 people; D

but still, you can try even once;)

Click here to participate!

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were used to such things in music television: The National - Conversation 16

with "Mel" from Flight of the Conchords as President!

Conversation 16 (MTV EXCLUSIVE)
The National - Music - More Music Videos

Poems Asking For Money Birthday Gift

the past, such things were in music television: PJ Harvey - The glorious land

The album "Let England shake liked me and still getting better. PJ ignites the next stage with a video for the song "The glorious land":

PS: Do not be alarmed. During the song not the cavalry attacks ...

Technorati Tags: PJ Harvey , ,

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Päärchen A middle-aged had two beautiful daughters wanted, but always a son. They decided to try one last time to get the longed-for son. The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy boy.

The happy father rushed to the hospital to see his new son at last. He was very pale, for it was the ugliest child he had ever seen.

He told his wife: "Never have I am the father of this boy Behold me, what beautiful daughters! I have witnessed! Have you betrayed me secretly "

Then she says:"!. Not this time "

:):):):):): ):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):): ):):):)

A gravedigger is working late at night. He examined the body of Mr. Schwarz, who is destined for incineration, and makes a surprising discovery.

Black has the longest sexual organ, which he has ever seen. "I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but I can not allow that such an impressive part is simply burned. It must be preserved for posterity".

ado, he cut it off and put it in his briefcase. "I have to show you something," says he arrived home to his wife, "that you will not believe!" He opens his bag and takes out there.

"Oh my God," calls his wife shocked from, "Black is dead!"

:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):): ):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

A man pushes his wife over the cliff. His colleague protested: "This is murder!"

said the man "?! What, murder can I fly my kite, where I will"

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sheet, ...

... to have it all!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Invitation Quotes For Farewell

Song: Planningtorock - Doorway

Janine Rostron (born, according to Myspace in Bolton (UK), re-born in Berlin) aka Planningtorock I had known only as contributors to " Tomorrow, in a year. Now is the release of their album "W". I expect an exciting mix of electronics and funny ideas.

preliminary, there is the song "Doorway" there and here as a free download of video:

Welcome Board And Wedding

Dip Dyed Hair
mit blauer Faschingsfarbe
Man siehts nur ein bisschen
aber mir gefällts!!!
Nachher gehts zu IKEA :)

Absage von Stuttgart
naja, sie wissen ja nicht was sie an mir verpassen!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Box For Screech Owl

Trend: Dip Dyed Hair

Schon länger 'schau' ich diesem Trend hinterher und fand ihn bisher immer echt cool aber habe garnicht darüber nachgedacht ihn auch zu tragen.
Bis heute Mittag.
Vorhin habe ich mir noch ein paar Bilder angeschaut und jetzt will ichs auch haben!
Aber erstmal ne Tönung.
I always have some driving around here, so can still try the "I" because the color washes out again at 6-8 before going.
I still have a red black here and a brown black. I think the red-black could fit well.
other hand, I'd find it would also reintuen something cool blue.
I still had black-blue, but here as the right hair color.
Most of all would of course be good races of green!
because it color the Komplemtär to red is what I indeed as Haarfabre have
Hmmmm, let's see: D
I will try it all first with Carnival hairspray: D: D
and then we'll see.
But I think it would be already extremely cool!
What do you think of this trend?

Dragon Ball Z Birthday Invitations



I love this weather!
Today I have in a long time finally running again my unicycle:) Do I often do

outfit 2.3.11

Shirt: H & M Black Book Collection
Cardigan: Cubus (Sweden)
Rock: (! I love him the moment) Pimkie
shoes: Deichmann
scarf: New York & Stylight (thank you!)

Westernchikan Gropping In Bus

Music: Felix Wickman - Whatever her sins (EP)


Mit sechs Songs und weniger als einer halben Stunde Spieldauer kann eine Platte schon mal durchs Raster fallen. Im Falle von Felix Wickmans Zweitwerk “ Whatever her sins ” wäre das schade. Für eine EP wird recht viel geboten, für eine CD etwas wenig. Das Label entschied sich für den EP-Preis und dank des intensiven und hörenswerten Inhalts ist das mehr als fair.

Felix Wickman lebt in Stockholm. Im Bereich Singer/Songwriter fällt es sicherlich recht schwer, eine Nische zu suchen und zu besetzen. Felix verknüpft zu diesem Zweck skandinavische Melancholie mit experimentellen Ansätzen. Das Ergebnis ist gerade so besonders dass es auffällt, aber noch niemanden wirklich abschrecken dürfte. Vor allem fesselt mich jedoch die Intensität einiger seiner Songs. Seine Stimme kennt eine Spanne von fast glockenhell bis düster. Melodien gibt es auch und dank der eingebundenen Band klingt das Gesamtwerk erfreulich organisch, obwohl einige Rhythmen auch aus dafür vorgesehenen Geräten stammen könnten.

2009 veröffentlichte Wickman mit “Dry hands” sein Debüt. Danach ging es mit einigen Musikern auf Tour und daraus wurde eine Band, die offenkundig eine gute Grundlage für fesselnde Musik bietet. Ich bin gespannt, wie es mit Felix Wickman goes on and recommend the EP to all that even singer-songwriters like the "orchestrate" musically more than an acoustic guitar can.

On the website of the artist there is the debut EP "Dry hands" as a free download and "Whatever her sins" as a stream.

"Whatever her sins" sounds like:


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letters For Disconnection Of Phone

looks like my (professional) future?

I have received by mail last week and Friday an invitation for an interview.

It would be a job with the municipality in the register office. Around here, everything sounds very great and spannend.

Einzig: es wären 80 Prozent, die ich arbeiten müsste und zudem muss ich eine Schulung machen, um das Patent auch zu erhalten.

Naja... Ich zweifle stark daran, ob ich dies bei diesem Pensum schaffen kann und werde. Klar, ich will arbeiten und ja, ich will auch mein Pensum langsam erhöhen und ja, die Tätigkeit fand ich schon während der Lehrzeit sehr schön.... aber ich glaube, eine Zambrottagirlie packt dies nicht.

Stehe ich mir selbst im Weg? Und wenn ja, dann bin ich einfach nicht zur richtigen Time in the right place. I think more and more, destiny does not mean it is good to me and I was actually born in the wrong purely Äera.

It hurts, I do not trust myself to stop. It hurts to see himself anywhere else in the future.

But I've never experienced anything other than all these doubts? Can one not understand that it's enough for me slow?

I see less and less somewhere in this society. And honestly, how can I ever stand on its own?

Sure, everyone has their misfortunes ... but I'm so tired of being me. I miss my old self, my self with 14 to 17 or 19 This life without self-doubt. I found myself somewhat attractive, had plenty of hair on the head and other trappings of me not seem to be bothered.

man man man, I only had enough money, but I do not even make it.

I'm wondering more and more, whether it be better for me (and my environment) would be to wave the white flag. It has nothing to do with selfishness or to do so. It's enough for me somehow more and less and less something keeps me stuck here. I find myself just repulsive, disgusting and something of no use.

I am full of self hatred. I'm angry. I could all beat up. All go to the wall. Hair pulling. Scream. Toben. Cursing. Wines. Despair.

But running the decent Zambrotta Girlie through the area. Why? Why am I wearing that mask and show the people do not really how I feel? How do I really see?

Mein (e) mood song (s):

PS: I often hear music of Tiësto. Not really my genre, but if it is a really shitty, you can auspowern so great (only just run, run, run), be angry or write such messages. And yes, you can always continue to increase in situations of pure, but whatever.

This is my favorite song by DJ Tiësto (and here I post something intimate to you: namely, what I imagine when I hear this song ... A woman who runs on the tracks and the chorus seems a train recorded from the dark with flash light, which they followed up. No, they will never * * macabre laugh! Whether I abhaben a shot, how it looks more and more, but yes no one will see and want to believe no. Zambrotta Girlie babbles "just" rather further from nervous breakdown, etc. If anything has to happen, * not * Girlie Zambrotta sarcastic gröhl):

Ebenfalls ein tolles Lied (um eure, wie auch meine Nerven zu beruhigen):

Ich weiss nicht, ob ich mich über diesen Eintrag entschuldigen soll oder nicht. Habe lange überlegt, ihn so zu veröffentlichen oder ihn einfach wieder zu löschen.

Aber es käme der Verleugnung gleich. Ich bin nun mal so, ich kann es auch nicht mehr ändern. Und ich bin ja sonst immer decent and reserved. And the blog serves me somehow as Stressabbauf and "trash" for all the thoughts, moods, feelings, etc. ..

Ankylosing Spondyltis Throat

Feb und weg...

Der Monat von WIR schriftlich (WIR im Zwiegespräch)

So ging er hin und kam nicht wieder, der Februar 2011. Eigentlich ein kurzer Monat, waere da nich martinchens Auslandsaufenthalt gewesen. Weg von mir, in Grossbritannien (York, um genau zu sein), hat sich mein Schatz eine Woche mit der englischen Sprache beschaeftigt. Und kehrte zurueck, und dann war alles wieder gut. WIR haben uns schrecklich gefehlt dieser Tage und waehrend martinchen erschoepft vom Lernen darniedersank, habe ich jeden Abend in der WoW-Welt Muedigkeit gesucht. Mein Garampf hat somit die Weihen der Archaeologie erhalten... Aber spaetestens jeden fruehen Morgen war dann wieder die grausame Gewissheit: Sie ist wech! Brrrrr, sowas willich abba nich mehr haben in der naechsten (und fernsten) Zeit!
Nu ist sie wieder da, und alles wieder gut. Der Monat zuende und in ein paar Tagen unser Urlaub! Was gab es sonst im Februar?
Das war wirklich nicht schön, so alleine ohne meinen Jörch. Es ist mir sehr schwer gefallen und obwohl es mir sehr, sehr gut dort gefallen hat, habe ich die Tage gezählt, wo ich wieder zu Hause bin. Vllt werden Jörch und ich aber mal zusammen dorthin fahren. Meine Gastfrau und meine Englischtrainerin haben beide gesagt, ich I should report at any time if I visit York again - which I found very nice and I will / do we also :-). My fatigue was automatically generated by the whole approach concentrating learning and the fact that all communication was in English. I'm like dead fell into bed at night ... What I missed way too funny, was a hair dryer. Which I was too heavy to lug around him ... I would have done it once. Oh well ;-).

weather. there always iwi. But it was not worth mentioning, except for a few Krokandeln that cheated out of the frozen soil (flowers, I mean).
And the first snowdrops were seen. Since I pleased me forever, because then you know that spring is not far off. The winter has fortunately not in February as the months continue as previously announced it ..., it was I happy about it.

blog. Nuja, I confess to neglecting my Mugshot reprehensible. But I was not a German, I would immediately assign the blame not the technology! That worked with the Mobilfo upload not seen since the turn of the year. I noticed it only after two weeks and for the manual upload I found afterwards no desire and time. Otherwise it was a bit thinner on the blog, apart from the many styles. This is almost a ritual to photograph morning and then later on's blog. In Thursday '3 'and Freitagsfueller active, this time we know and love on the 12th of '12' overslept. Too bad. But do not change. The positive formulation: We had better to do gammeln (, chilling, etc. ;-).
Yes, that was really hard this month. My style (as I recall, last week I have to upload yet) I've mostly been inside until the weekend. It was just too much other stuff that had to do so. But we agree, it should be fun and not turn into stress. We have enough commitments, which can not be avoided ... not more ...

WoW. It sounded to already, my alliances Garampf is successful and even built the epic 2Handwaffe. Gertina Annabol and on occasion will use the opportunity to migrate into the three-man guild of a friend and when I take my courage, I'll * gulp *. heal Gertina is nu For long fight for good 6k, look what WE do since so on. But PvP battlefield Tol Barad is also not bad.
Oh, wow. Also I play a lot and that too is something that started almost simultaneously with the blog and - you guessed it - combined with time. Now it is on me so that I am playing only Gertina. In Gertina and Annabol jörch and I are all alone and there is no guild, no raid planning, etc. who need me or us. This makes it very relaxing for me and I may (probably will not believe the many who know WoW) a week or two to live without WoW. Which does not mean I am not playing then and again ... But depending on what is the alternative, but I'm just old fashioned and prefer other things.
job. yeah, finally something about the profession! No, just kidding. Only an important point, my rabbit mart can return in their dream job assistance. Therefore, the English-Plaquerei.
It's really my dream job. Many can not believe I understand so - but they have not * lol *. I enjoy and that's the main thing. But for the next monthly report then a little bit more. Since my new job at 01.03. has started, it would still be too early ;-).

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output with "obstacles"

Recently, I was, and is not always rely on "the house" to mute. I do it just to go with Shila "walkies". And this, too, I'm often reluctant.

I know it is because of my circumstances. Do you know what is worse? My financial thoughts. When you go shopping at the beginning of the month really carefree, one has the whole month of feeling kein Geld mehr für sonstige Dinge übrig zu haben... Also, mich zumindest plagen solche Sorgen : ). Klar, ich bin sparsam, aber ich kenne es nicht so. Ich habe mir oft etwas gegönnt und es hat immer gereicht. Aber ich glaube, es liegt an meiner baldigen Aussteuerung, dass ich so denke.

Aber dies wird ein anderer Eintrag. Dieser hier soll nur um mich und Mon Amour gehen.

Irgendwie hatten wir Bock auf Ausgang, nur nichts Wildes sollte es sein. Und da ich noch das Streckenabo für den ZVV bis heute gültig hatte, wollten wir diesen ausnutzen.

Nun ja... es fing schon beim Abmachen an : ). Ich hatte eine SMS von Mon Amour nicht erhalten und so wartete ich ca. 7 Minuten vor ihrem Haus. Minuten, die uns dann beim Zugerwischen fehlten ; D. Als ich ihr SMS gelesen hatte, klingelte ich bei ihr durch und sie hechtete sofort raus.

Die Ampeln meinten es nicht gut und wir steckten mitten in der "roten Welle" fest. Als wir den Bahnhof erreichten, fuhr der Zug genau ein. Wir liessen es sein, alles andere hätte nichts gebracht. Uns blieb nichts weiteres, als den späteren Zug zu nehmen.

We stopped at the station Stadelhofen and got us a small gain. There we waited for the S3, which should take us to Dietlikon.

Once there, we waited for the bus. Mon Amour gave me even the "Dübendorf first race and I looked at the display. No idea what came over me, but I have read the wrong station coarser and so we had to traipse yet another 7 minutes to the cinema. It felt incredibly tired and somehow we really feared the worst.

by nearly stood after 9 clock We at the till, the film opened with advertising at 9 clock. It was only the top positions for "King's Speech" free and we took the.

Once in the cinema, we sat down just in the first seats, but they were the No. 1 + 2 When the hall was filled more and more, I hissed over Mon Amour, to follow the crowd. Well ... arrived at 15 and 16, sat a young Päärchen there ... I asked if they would have 1 + 2, they said yes. After that, I stammered something together, so we swap the courts and would go back. So once again the courage to take together and flit (peinlich!) sat down and noticed that the right to sit better Mon Amour and after much back and forth again hush hush done and sat down:)!

could then start the movie.

It really was a great film, fortunately we have not opted for the comedy starring Adam Sandler. I like him, but Jennifer Anniston is not one of my favorites. Natalie Portman and I can not stand at all. It was really long again a Topfilm!

Then we trudged back to the station and went home. Prior to her house we had a little talk men (it is about my views in terms of men, I, relationship, getting to know, blablabla), but I will go maybe tomorrow. It concerns me already and my mind is usually their right ... But there is the other half of me, partly to caution or even stop for old knitting patterns (borderline) or what do I know what.

Uh, all too complicated. But she does her job well, she takes really good arguments ... Other hand, I is partly true, no longer: D!

It was all in all a good evening. We had the right film despite Zugverpassen visited in time * g *!

And we are to escape the carnival well, yeah!